Welcome to my site!
Thanks for visiting. I decided to make this site after discovering Neocities and the "IndieWeb". I think this is an awesome way to buck against the trends of society in terms of self-expression on a technological level. We are way too corporatized in today's world. By making my own website, I join the others who want to return to embrace the ideals of the earlier internet - a place to share creativity, knowledge, opinions, and more - without the authoritarian chokehold of Silicon Valley companies like Facebook, X ("formerly known as Twitter" 🙄), Google, etc.
One could argue that something was lost in translation as the Internet became more commiditized. The dominance of just a few platforms have, in some ways, limited the ability to see new perspectives (especially when one considers that most platforms nowadays are aggresively driven by data-gathering surveillant algorithms).
My intention is for this to be a personal space. I will post musings on the state of technology, musical experiments, art explorations, interesting links I find, and more. Please feel free to take a look around.